Invitation from our Hong Kong community

Our Hong Kong community would like to invite our parishioners to their Year of the Snake Celebration which will be held at Exeter Phoenix on 9th February. This year's celebration will also be an open to public event with games and cultural stalls, performances as well as traditional Hong Kong festive snacks. Door will open at 12 noon with an opening ceremony at 12:30pm.
News from Fr Albert Lawes regarding Youth Pilgramage
Young Adults Rome Pilgrimage
Do you want to deepen your faith and engage more fully in your Catholic community? Come and encounter the breadth and depth of the Catholic Church with a Pilgrimage to Rome 28th July-4th August 2025 for 20-35 year olds. As well as Mass with Pope Francis, you will experience the vibrancy of the Church as you are surrounded by thousands of young pilgrims from around the world, glorifying God. You will then be able to share this unique experience by giving back to your community from the riches that God wills to give to you. For more information and to register your interest by 17th February, please follow the link:
Latest News & Events

ADoRE spiritual mini-retreat 22nd February 10.00-1.00 on Zoom. "PILGRIMS OF HOPE – THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OUR GUIDE.” Including Mass, Adoration, Praise, Prophecy, Prayer for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and inspiring guest speaker Gerry Penfold. Please register for the free Zoom meeting in advance at // More information at
Chaplaincy Accommodation for 2025-2026 is now open

The Exeter Catholic Chaplaincy offers affordable accommodation from September to June each year for full-time second and third-year students. We have four single rooms available, each furnished with a bed, wardrobe, shelves, desk, chair, and desk lamp. Bathroom and shower facilities are shared. If you wish to apply, please email Maria at or Mirtha at, and we will send you an application pack. The deadline to submit your application is Monday 3rd March.

Have You Heard About 'Forming In Faith'?

Join us as we explore the richness of the Vatican II documents through video and discussion. We are currently learning about Sacrosanctum Concilium. Please join us for our next session on Monday 10 February 10.30-12.00 in the Lower Room, Sacred Heart. All welcome.

News from The Catholic Youth Ministry

Flame 2025, Saturday 15th March 2025
Flame is aimed at young people aged 13- 23. The Diocese will be taking 2 coaches of young people one coach starting from Plymouth, picking up on route through Devon. The other coach will be taking a group from Dorset. Flame is a series of speakers and bands from across the world. This year’s lineup includes: lily Jo; Guvna B; Bear Grylls and Bryan Enriqiez amongst others. Young people are always very inspired by the event. For more details about the programme: Tickets are £35 to include entry and travel. To book: For further information contact, Saskia:
Catholic Marriage Care in Devon and Cornwall

Catholic Marriage Care is a national charity, with over 80 years’ experience of working with couples as they navigate the marriage journey, both in preparation for their marriage and during the various challenges that occur during a long relationship.
All our work in the Devon and Cornwall region is online, with group ‘Preparing Together Anywhere’ courses, ‘Foccus’ which is an individual preparation course, and our counselling service for couples of any faith or none.
To find out more or to access any of our services, please visit our website:
GIFT Sacrament Families News
GIFT: Did You Know?
Did you know that GIFT welcomed over 45 parents, 45 primary aged children and 20 youth to their February session, served by a cross parish team of over 20 parishioners? Families, we’d love you to join us; register using the link below. Parishioners we’d love you to help us; get in touch if you could offer one Saturday morning a month to join the catechist teams or volunteer to serve refreshments to our families.
GIFT tots
Our next session will be on Friday14th February in the Richard Reynolds Centre, Blessed Sacrament.
If you and your little ones would like to join us please register using this link: Gift Tots Link
GIFT families and youth
GIFT is for primary and secondary aged families and supports them to live and grow as Catholics. It enables parents to prepare their children to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.
The next GIFT session will be held on the 1 March at St Nicholas School at 9.45 to 12.15.
Register for GIFT using the links below: GIFT Sessions
Register for GIFT Youth: GIFT Youth
GIFT youth: Sacrament of Confirmation
Growing in faith, attending GIFT Youth sessions and participating in Sunday Mass are all key elements of a deepening faith. If you are interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this year, please get in touch with the parish office.
Jubilee 2025
Message from Fr. James Barber
Jubilee Coordinator, Plymouth Diocese
Diocesan Jubilee Calendar
With the Holy Year underway I can now share with you the Diocesan Jubilee Calendar. It is a spreadsheet which plots the liturgical year, Diocesan events, Schools, Parishes, and Charity activities during the year. Seeing them alongside one another should provide a level of clarity about how things relate. This will be updated as further developments take place.
Jubilee Weeks in February
This month are a few weeks of Jubilee. Already underway is the Jubilee of Armed Forces, Police and Security Forces. Later in the month, the week of Sunday 16th February is the Jubilee of Artists. We then enjoy the week of Sunday 23rd February as the Jubilee of Deacons. There is a Diocesan event in the planning stages which joins priests and deacons together in a celebration in the Summer, so be on the lookout for that. Our schools are also completing their first Jubilee theme of Care for Creation this half term.
Jubilee Weeks in March
March begins with the commencement of Lent. Then in the week of Sunday 9th March is the Jubilee of the World of Volunteering, giving us the opportunity to honour those who offer so much in our parishes and beyond. At the end of March, Friday 28th, the Holy Father has asked us to set aside a 24hrs for the Lord. Details will soon emerge as to its purpose and I will update when that is clarified. Our schools will be taking up the Jubilee theme of forgiveness during this month and all through the half term up to Easter.
Places of Pilgrimage
I have already heard word of people keen to go on pilgrimage, which is tremendous. Please contact the Place of Pilgrimage ahead of time to avoid disappointment to give them a chance to prepare. Be prepared for them to suggest dates that fit better with their schedules. The contacts are below:
Cathedral: (01752) 662537
Crediton: (01392) 271191
Dorchester: (01305) 251976
Launceston: (01566) 773166
Annual Zoom Lent Course
It is that time of year again. New Parish but same Zoom account. Following on from the last four Lents, I am again offering a series of talks on Zoom for parishioners and indeed all those that would be interested and once again I am inordinately grateful to the generosity of the speakers who all said yes immediately . The themes have varied over the years but it seemed sensible in 2025 to reflect on some of the Holy Father's signs of hope in this time of Jubilee. This year the series will be on a Thursday at 7pm and I will send the link to join nearer the time. The timetable is as follows.
Jesus' last Pilgrimage ;-walking through Holy Week with Him.
13th March :- Fr James Barber - 'Commitment to others'
20th March :- Rev Brian Bargent - 'Debt Cancellation'
27th March :- Rev Lizzi Green - 'Recognizing Hope'.
3rd April :- Fr Gerard Barry - 'Peace'.
10th April :- David Mcloughlin - 'Pilgrimage'.
Those of you who have joined with us in the past will know that the format varies and that each speaker presents in his or her own individual style which I always think adds to the wonder of the thing. There is no need to pre book and it is not an absolute necessity to attend all if that is not possible as, although they are linked on the common theme, they inevitably stand independently. It would be great if you could advertise when we draw closer to Lent but I will, if you are ok about it, send you out a further reminder nearer the time and include your parish secretaries in the email. Thanks for your support and encouragement to your parishioners to join us. It is always great to see the return of old faces, if you'll pardon the expression, and we have built up, over the years, quite a lovely virtual family.​​
The link to the latest diocesan newsletter can be found here
St Nicholas School News
As Spring approaches we are looking for volunteers to help us tidy and improve the school grounds. We are hoping to organise a 'ground force' day to do this, weather permitting! If any parishioners would be interested in coming in to do this or can offer any specific help please can you contact Mrs Brocksom, Senior Administrator by emailing Once we have arranged the date we will then contact you and see if you are available. All help gratefully received!
Our Yr 5 children had a fantastic time in London, visiting Parliament, watching Matilda and visiting the Tate Britain to look at portraits. We are now organising our Yr3/4 trip to Sleep with the Sharks at Plymouth Aquarium and to have a boat trip around Plymouth Sound as well as tour the Tamar Bridge.
We are excited to be developing our outdoor areas, particularly in Early Years and are soon having a 'Groundforce Day' when parents will join us to tidy up the area. We have purchased a number of new outdoor resources which the children are enjoying.
If you would like to find out about joining our school from Nursery to Yr 6 please contact our Senior Administrator, Mrs Brocksom by emailing
Happy New Year to all parishioners from St Nicholas School!
Our yr 5 pupils are excited to be going on their trip to London next week to visit Parliament, the Tate Modern and to see Matilda.
We now start planning for the Yr 3/4 trip to Sleep with the Sharks at Plymouth Aquarium.
We were delighted to have raised nearly £200 for CAFOD World Gifts before Christmas.
Each class is currently deciding what to purchase with their allocation - they can buy bees, Queen bees, vegetable gardens, firewood, worms and so much more. It is so exciting to think that we are making a (small) difference to people's lives.
Congratulations to Ivy, Seth, Antoni and Zack from Year 6 who earned the 4th place at the Wellington Maths challenge, against 60 schools of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. What a great achievement and some great, higher Maths questions on the day!
We enjoyed celebrating St Nicholas Day on the 6th December. Our Pupil Chaplains, as well as other Year 6 children, were superb in our morning Mass taken by Father Jonathan and Mrs Quinn. For the rest of the day, we had a relaxing time creating our St Nicholas Day shoes, our party hats/crowns and participating in a highly competitive paper chain challenge boys vs girls! We loved making the classrooms all festive. We loved coming back from assembly to find 3 chocolate coins in our homemade shoes! A lovely day to begin our Christmas season at school!
We wish all parishioners a happy Christmas and new year!
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Wonderful News - Well Done St Nicks!
We have been informed that we are one of only 50 schools in the country that the Department for Education will be investing in significantly to improve the quality of the environments used to deliver teaching and learning. This is absolutely fantastic for the school and we are delighted to be one of them. This will involve a rapid rollout of decarbonisation initiatives to improve lighting, heating, solar energy and ventilation systems to name but a few. We are very excited about this huge investment in the school.
A Message from St Vincent De Paul—Exeter
Our SVP team requires help from any care sector employers –Sponsorship.
The SVP team are aware that a person within our community needs to transfer their certificate of sponsorship from a Care provider in the north of England to here in Exeter where the family resides. The current hours of sponsorship are 20 hours per week and the SVP team are trying to facilitate a new position within a care residential setting that could take on this person's sponsorship. Once the hours are transferred, the person is willing to work more hours per week. If there are any care providers in our parishes that would like to chat informally to an SVP team member about the sponsorship, please contact one of us at the address below. Peter, on or Imelda on
Cafod News
A Year of Hope: An Introduction to the Jubilee Year with the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
2025 is a Jubilee year, but what does that mean? How will the Church be celebrating it? How can I get involved? Catholic talk show host and author Nana Churcher, and CAFOD’s Simon Giarchi will be hosting Fr Jan Nowotnik (Director of Mission for the Bishop’s Conference), Christine Allen (CAFOD’s Director) and Kayode Akintola (CAFOD’s Head of Africa) and more in this lively start to the Jubilee. Hear highlights of how we’re celebrating as a church and how we can be tangible signs of hope and build a better world together throughout this holy year. With a special appearance by Catholic band Ooberfuse.
Saturday 18 Jan, 10:30am-midday, online. Register here for free:
Thank you for including this and thank you for those who had planned to do this already. There’s a shorter article below if the above is too long for your newsletter. This event will include Luke 4:16-21, (‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…’) a core passage for the Jubilee which will be the Gospel for Sunday 26th January. Please see our []Jubilee page for more resources and information around the Jubilee.
Please do get in touch if there’s anything we can do to help your parish celebrate the Jubilee.
Many thanks.
Simon <><
Simon Giarchi
CAFOD Coordinator for the Diocese of Plymouth
Mobile: 07920 751 180
Office: 01752 268 768
Caritas News
You are warmly invited to the two upcoming Caritas events. Join us in prayer and discussion, hear from interesting speakers and learn more about Catholic Social Teaching and its relevance to our faith.
Tuesday 21st January 2025
“Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2
Holy Family Parish Hall, Plymouth PL2 3JR
Thursday 13th February 2025 10.30am-1.30pm
(including light lunch). Registration Essential.
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Hebrews 13:2)
Please find below the link to the latest Caritas newsletter here There are a lot of interesting articles on the Jubilee year.
Ending Child Poverty
Child poverty levels have remained alarmingly high over the last decade. Caritas Plymouth supports the call from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference (CBCEW) to lift the two-child benefit cap as one of the ways in which we can help thousands of children out of poverty. We invite people to join the CBCEW campaign by writing to your local MP. It will take just two minutes to follow the link below and make your voice heard to end the two-child benefit cap: Take action on the two-child cap policy - Catholic Bishops' Conference
Winter is a particularly difficult time for people who don’t have a place to call home. No one should be sleeping outside but there are still many people who are sleeping rough or relying on the generosity of friends or family. Catholic Social Teaching principles remind us that having adequate shelter is a basic human right; a right that the Church affirms as a key part of respecting and recognising our personhood. It can be difficult to know what to do when meeting someone living on the street, but Caritas Diocese of Plymouth suggests a few small actions to make a difference:
Pray for all those who live on the streets with no shelter, especially during the cold winter weather.
If you see someone sleeping rough, make a report to “StreetLink” on 0300 500 0914 or via This will connect someone with local support services. You can also give the number to someone to get help for themselves.
Share the Caritas guide with your fellow parishioners to explore ways to help in your local community
Contact if you would like more information.
Candle Event Sacred Heart

On Sunday afternoon our beautiful church was lit up by our new lighting and candles for a special candle lighting and Carols service. Passers by were invited into the church to light a candle and take part in the Carol singing.

Thank you from The Arts Group
BOX OF DELIGHTS: The Arts Group is very pleased that £200 was raised, divided between the SVP and the Kenyan Educational Sponsorship. Thank you for your support.
Sacrament of Confirmation for Teenagers

There will be a celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for teenagers 14+ in May next year. Preparation starts in new year, contact parish office if you would like to receive sacrament
News from Valladolid
November & December 2024

I have been getting on well in Valladolid. Seminary life is busy, with a lot of studies to be done, and a very strong prayer life. We are very lucky to be in such a beautiful country, and that we can have some time off to explore. The other weekend, I enjoyed a few nights in Bilbao, exploring the arts and culture of the vibrant city, and going back to the sea which I miss so much in landlocked Valladolid. The sunset over the Bay of Biscay one night was particularly stunning. (Sunset).
We were also very lucky to be joined for the First Sunday of Advent by Bishop Mark Davies, who led a retreat on priestly spirituality and the spirituality of St Jean Vianney. After the two days of silent prayer and talks, we travelled as a college to Avila, to celebrate Mass together at the convent of St Teresa. It is a beautiful city (church and view)
Overall things are going well, and I am looking forward to being back in the Diocese of Plymouth over January. The parish remains very much in my thoughts and prayers"

September & October 2024
In a solemn celebration of St Teresa of Avila, Sam Mapletoft, a seminarian from Sacred Heart here in Exeter, alongside 25 other seminarians from different nations signed the Liber Alumnorum and so joined a list of students of the Royal English College, Valladolid, dating back to 1589. The College has been training priests for centuries, and today Sam joined the great list of students that includes 23 martyrs.
As well as signing the Liber Alumnorum, Sam was also enrolled in the Confraternity of Our Lady Vulnerata, and bestowed with a medal to show his devotion to Our Lady, the Wounded One. Please keep Sam, all those at Valladolid, and all of our diocesan seminarians in your prayers.
In other news, Sam had his first visitor from Sacred Heart. He and Maria met up in Segovia, which is a stunning little town near Valladolid. Sam says he was very happy to see her.
Second Collections for 2025
Below is a list of second collections for 2025. There will be no other second collections apart from ones directly relating to the parish e.g. flowers for easter and Christmas.


Stay Awake, 5th April, 2025 - a day conference for all the family (Mass, Children's streams, Praise and Worship, Speakers, Workshops and pizza!). Venue: All Saints School in Weymouth. More details later! ALL WELCOME! Please save the date!
· As we draw into the dark, cold winter months , the church will be closed at 5pm .
· Christmas cards available after each Sunday mass: £5 for pack of 6 assorted, profits will support the parish
Please note!
The building fund account is set up and ready to go. Please support the Parish in this much needed work on our beautiful church.
Here is the link to our give a little page for the building fund:
Or use the QR code:

Catholic Exeter Family All Saints Party
‘A fun time was had by all the families who came to our All Saints party. There were games, crafts, food singing, prayers, a holy pumpkin raffle and lots of children dressed up as saints. See you next year!’

Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2025
TO CELEBRATE the Jubilee Year of 2025, you are invited to join the Legion of Mary's weekend Pilgrimage to Walsingham in the summer. Three nights: from Friday 11th to 13th July (returning Monday 14th). Dinner, B & B from £74/night (may change). Reserve your place(s) by 15th November as early booking is essential. For details and a booking form, call Adrian Wardle on 01752 830113 or e-mail There are also copies of the forms at the back of Sacred Heart Church.
Embracing a New Chapter in my Life: Julian Pinto
As I prepare to embark on a transformative journey at Allen Hall in London, I find myself filled with anticipation, excitement, and a deep sense of purpose. Allen Hall represents not just a place of learning, but moreover a community where faith, service, and one’s sense of vocation come together to shape the future servant-leaders of our Church.

From Exeter to Valladolid: Sam Mapletoft
My period of preliminary discernment on the Ministry Experience Scheme (MES) came to an end in July and, at the time of writing, I am now preparing for the next stage of my discernment and formation, participating in the propaedeutic programme offered at the Royal English College of St Alban in Valladolid
Hong Kong Community News

On 20 September our Hong Kong community celebrated Mass at Sacred Heart church, a talk in the lower room and a mass at a parishioner’s home after home blessing on Saturday morning with Fr Lui. This was a very special day of fellowship for our Hong Kong community.

Baptism Preparation Courses 2025
Are you expecting a baby and/or wish to have your child baptised? We look forward to supporting you in preparation for this important sacrament and welcoming you and your family int the community of the Church. Courses are over two consecutive Saturday mornings from 10:15-12:15 delivered via zoom.
Forthcoming Dates: 15 & 22 February 2025 Godparents are especially welcome to attend the course as the role of Godparents is explored. Click on this link at the end of this article to register. If you have any problem accessing this, contact Coral in the parish office at or 01392 642389 To register for the February Course click here:

Assisted Suicide Bill
Kim Leadbeater MP is introducing a bill to introduce assisted suicide, which will be voted on by MPs on the 29 November. We know that assisted suicide laws in other jurisdictions have had devastating consequences for the poor, disabled and marginalised. This is the biggest threat to the vulnerable in a decade, and we need a huge effort to lobby MPs. Please contact your MP by visiting
Assisted Suicide Bill Resources
The CBCEW website has been updated with a raft of resources for people to be informed regarding the assisted suicide legislation that is currently working its way through Parliament. This link will take you to the relevant page on the website:
A change will take place to Mass times from Sunday 20 October, from now on mass will be at 11.15 a.m.
Support for Pensioners on Low Incomes
An estimated 880,000 low-income pensioner households eligible for pension credit currently fail to claim it and a deadline is approaching. The government says it is worth an average of £3,900 a year, but it is also a gateway to other financial support such as winter fuel payments. If you know a pensioner on a on low income, please encourage them to check if they could be eligible for pension credit. This can be done online through or people can get advice via phone on weekdays - 0800 99 1234.
There is a leaflet with more details and advice at the back of the Church or you can get a copy by emailing or calling 01364 645421.
SPUC (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children) Urgent Notice
A Bill to allow assisted suicide will be laid before parliament this month. If passed, it would cause a complete change in the way society deals with terminally and chronically ill people. People must be treated as equal in value and dignity and not as lives ‘not worth living’. Assisted Suicide would place pressure on vulnerable people. Most palliative care doctors denounce these measures. Palliative Care is the Cinderella of the NHS and will remain so if assisted suicide is introduced. Please write to your MP as soon as possible. More information can be obtained from the SPUC website This will give you information on what to include in your letter and invites you to enter your postcode which will bring up your MP and allow you to write an email which they will send. Alternatively, you can write a letter by hand and send it to your MP at: The House of Commons, Westminster, London,SW1A 0AA Get a disabled person’s perspective on assisted suicide by watching Liz Carr’s BBC Documentary: Further info: Christine Hudson 07742320717

I have been in contact with both Sam and Julian and they assure me that they are settling in well. They will both be serving at the installation of Bishop Philip on 9 November and hope to visit us at mass on that weekend. Sam has sent me a few photo of Valladolid, he says it is a beautiful building which is steeped in history. He assures us that the wine in Spain is very drinkable!!
Both Sam and Julian send their best wishes and ask for our continued prayer.

Do you want to discover your true purpose, meaning and identity in your life with Christ? Are you aware of the part you are called to play in salvation history? In response to Pope Francis’ call to be “Pilgrims of Hope” for this forthcoming Jubilee year, Fr. David Marsden will lead us though this inspirational day. Come to Schiller Hall, Buckfast Abbey on Saturday 2nd November 10am (tea/coffee) 10.30-3pm.( Mass at 12noon). To reserve a place contact:
How to get 1 million children to pray the Rosary for peace?
Through this initiative, ACN is also participating in the “Symphony of Prayers” campaign, which Pope Francis called for on the occasion of the 2024 Year of Prayer – and which also paves the way for the 2025 Jubilee Year.
A catholic charity is hoping to exceed last year’s milestone of more than a million children joining a campaign to pray the Rosary for peace in the world’s conflict zones. Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is holding its “One Million Children Praying the Rosary” initiative for the 19th year in the row on 18th October.
Last year the target of a million children praying the Rosary for peace was reached for the first time – and the charity wants to see even more young people taking part in 2024. ACN (UK) National Director Caroline Hull said that the charity is “hoping to surpass last year’s record of 1,039,628 children praying the Rosary for peace around the world”. She added: “We would like to invite all our friends and benefactors here in the UK and beyond to encourage all the children they know to join this powerful initiative inspired by Our Lady of Fatima.”
This year’s motto – “Pray the Rosary and there will be peace” – places at the centre of the campaign the request made by Our Lady of Fatima in 1917. Through this initiative, ACN is also participating in the “Symphony of Prayers” campaign, which Pope Francis called for on the occasion of the 2024 Year of Prayer – and which also paves the way for the 2025 Jubilee Year.
In a statement, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, ACN (International) President, and Father Anton Lässer, ACN (International) Ecclesiastical Assistant, wrote that everyone should “apply strength and imagination, so that in as many places as possible prayer meetings can take place… “Go to children’s groups, schools, prayer groups, radio and television, digital platforms, social media… and win over your own children and grandchildren for the prayer of the Rosary.”
The “One Million Children Praying the Rosary” campaign has taken place every year on 18th October since first being organised in Caracas, Venezuela in 2005. There is free material – including colouring pictures for children and more information about the campaign – available online for those looking to help encourage their parishes, schools, children’s groups and families to join the initiative. For more details and to sign up to join the campaign, please visit
Thanks to a poster display and personal appeals at our three churches, we have been fortunate to have recruited four new full members to our Conference this year. This has been such a blessing and has been such a boost to our small team.
This year the members have continued with their face to face visits to beneficiaries at home, in care homes and in hospital. Over the past seven months we made 386 contacts with beneficiaries, with 600 hours spent visiting or offering regular telephone support to those who prefer this means of keeping in touch.
Practical Help
This year we were able to offer and fund a short term break for one particularly troubled beneficiary who was able to spend a few days recuperating in seaside accommodation in a nearby town. We were able to support with travel, accommodation and meals for the short break. This was very well received and proved to be of benefit to the individual’s mental and physical wellbeing.
We spent 71 hours of practical help in people’s homes, including fixing broken blinds, rehanging wardrobe doors, delivering food supplies and offering transport to foodbanks, hospitals etc.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Last year’s pilot project in collaboration with Refugee Support Devon proved so successful that we agreed to support the Bus Tickets project for a further six months. This has allowed twenty families weekly bus travel to a community kitchen in town where at ten cooking stations they have been able to prepare meals for their families and take them back to the migrant hotel out of town. This has helped reduce the incidence of child malnutrition that had been raised as a concern.
Chatter Café
Thanks to a small group of volunteers as well as a cohort of SVP members, the Chatter Café continues to provide a warm, safe space for vulnerable individuals to spend a few hours a week in supportive conversation and companionship. We have five regular individuals whom we support as well as a transient population of drop-ins who are also made welcome. Our team are gaining experience and insight into the lives of many desperately lonely and less fortunate people within our city and we are so fortunate to have the continued support of our parish priest and his team in order to enable this project to continue. We intend to open our doors as a Warm Space this year as we have on previous occasions.
Please keep our small Conference in your prayers.
Peter Schranz, President.
Time to say Goodbye

On Sunday 8th September we bid a fond farewell to Fr Albert. The afternoon was very well attended and refreshments were a plenty. Fr Albert was able to chat and catch up with the people he had come to know and love over the past three years.
We know that he will be an amazing Parish Priest and we wish God's grace and blessing in Teignmouth. Thank you to everyone that made this a success.

News from the University Chaplaincy
If you are going to be studying at the University of Exeter this year, we would like to invite you to come to our Catholic Chaplaincy, located at Boniface House, Glenthorne road, between Moberly and Birks Grange Village halls of residence. You can find more details and directions here:
We have a very lively and faith-filled community. Exeter Catholic Society meets weekly at the Catholic Chaplaincy for a range of activities throughout the year, from various socials to talks and society trips, in a friendly environment where students can grow in faith while having fun and making new friends. Masses at our Catholic Chaplaincy are celebrated during term time on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. (followed by a free lunch), Tuesdays at 12 p.m. (followed by a free lunch) and Thursdays at 5 p.m.
For further information on Exeter Catholic Society and the events at the Catholic Chaplaincy, please go to our Facebook page at @ExeterUniCatholicSociety or get in touch with the Chaplaincy Assistant, Dr Maria Giannone, at We look forward to meeting you!
St Nick's News
A few weeks into the new year and we are back in the swing and planning for the year. The Yr 3 and 4 children are already booked in to sleep with the sharks at the aquarium and we are keeping our fingers crossed that our Yr 5 children will be able to Parliament in January.
if you would like to find out more about joining our school from Nursery to Yr 6 please contact
We are also holding open days in November for prospective September 2025 Reception entry. These are on the 12th and 13th at 9.30 and the 14th at 6pm. Please contact for a booking form.
The Safeguarding Office - Support for Victims of Abuse
The Safeguarding Office provides advice and support to all victims of abuse, regardless of whether this is something that is happening currently or that happened in the past. We work with anyone who has been abused, both those who were abused within the church, as well as those who have been abused in other settings. We are here to help you whether you were a child or adult when the abuse took place. We are not here to blame, judge or make excuses for the abuser, we are here to help all those who have experienced abuse or are still in an abusive situation, in any way we can.
The Safeguarding Office can provide you with support, advice, and signposting to relevant organisations. Our dedicated team of safeguarding professionals work closely with other agencies both locally and nationally including the Police, Probation, Social Services, and to standards that are set out by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency.
Please contact us for a confidential conversation. You can call us on 01364 645430 (Monday to Friday from 9:00am – 4:30pm) or e-mail us on
Links to other important pages
You are invited to a Synodal Day
Buckfast Conference Centre
Saturday October 26th 2024
A day exploring ‘Conversations in the Spirit’ which is one of the fruits to have emerged out of the current synodal journey.
The day will be facilitated by Sarah Adams who is Director of Adult Education and Evangelisation for Clifton Diocese.
Sarah has been involved in the synodal journey at both diocesan and national levels and will take us through both the methodology and practise of Conversations in the Spirit and how we might apply it in a variety of settings.
10.00am Arrivals and refreshments.
10.30am Conversations in the Spirit. What? Where? How?
12.30pm Lunch.
1.15pm More Conversations in the Spirit.
3.15pm Departures.
If you would like to attend, please control and click on the following link:
For more information, email Fr Paul Keys at: