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Vision, Mission, & Values

Our Parish Vision

To be a Sanctuary
of Prayer, Beauty, and Peace

in the Heart of the city,

Worshipping Jesus Christ,

sharing his Gospel
and the Life of the Catholic Church.


One of the wisdom books of the Bible tells us that in order for any group to function and thrive it must have a vision.

'Without a vision the people perish.'

Proverbs 29:18

A parish vision is what a parish is aiming to be.

It is both inspired and constrained by the particular situation and circumstances, history, and potential of a parish. 

For us it is to be an even better version of what already are

Our mission focus  & values

2024 - 2025

"To increase
beauty, belonging, and truth."



​By making our church building even more beautiful, open and welcoming


By strengthening our eucharistic community
of missionary disciples:
- In worship, 
by making our liturgies
as beautiful and prayerful as we can.

 - In Fellowship, by strengthening
our communal life and openness to others.

Our mission focus is the practical way by which a parish can move towards its vision goal. 

While the Parish Vision remains constant, the mission focus can change with time as we identify different priorities.

The mission focus proposed here is for this year and next the Jubilee Year of 2025.

Our parish mission is to build on the already existing good foundations we have. We are far from starting from scratch, thanks to the current and previous generations of people and priests at Sacred Heart. We have a thriving and welcoming parish and a beautiful church. It is on these good foundations that we can try to be even better.

To help with this we have identified some priorities for the next two years.

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