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Numerical & Financial

Maintaining our numerical and financial sustainability.

We are blessed at the moment with large numbers of people coming to Mass and we are financially balancing the books.


In the recent past we have been growing numerically after the disruption of the pandemic and we are again at our pre-pandemic level. In order to remain at our number we need to keep growing since each year some of us go back home to God. 


Looking to the future financially, with the increase in energy prices and the repair work which needs doing on the church over the next couple of years, we could be running at a loss, which would not be sustainable.


We intend each year when the parish accounts are presented to the parish to try to communicate our financial position and forecast clearly so that everyone can know the situation and can help if they are able. Not everyone will be able to do so and they should not feel bad about this. Looking after families must come first. But some perhaps may be able to help more, particularly through gift-aiding their donations so that the parish can claim back to tax they have paid, and especially by remembering the parish in their wills.


Being numerically and financially sustainable is not a very exciting topic but it is essential. If we don't have the numbers or the finances to continue as we are, everything else becomes harder and in the end not possible, so we do need to think about these things, mundane as they are.

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