Other News
Here is were you will find other items of interest in and around Exeter
Blessed Sacrament News

Thursday Lunch Club
Since 2008 our lunch club has met fortnightly at the Richard Reynolds Centre, Blessed Sacrament church. We would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to join our group on a rota basis as a helper to serve lunch and clear up afterwards. You would not be asked to do any cooking! If we get more offers to help, we will be able to offer more people, the chance to come along as a diner to enjoy company and a meal . Please ring 07940142124 and I would be delighted to give you further information and answer any questions .Thank you, Di Bish secretary.

Holy Cross News
A retired priest, Fr Keith Mitchell, will be coming to live in the presbytery on 16th September. We welcome him and wish him a long and happy stay.
Keep up to date at Holy Cross: Mass and church services online are easy to access via our Holy Cross Parish website (http://holycrosstopsham.org), where you will also find the newsletter and information about the parish.
Newsletter contact: If you have an item for the next newsletter, please email newsletter@holycrosstopsham.org or phone Frances Nieduszynska on 07791 693603. Any items for inclusion should be sent, if possible, by the beginning of the week before the last weekend of the month. If you would like the newsletter emailed to you every month, please let me know.
Join us at the Eucharistic Congress Sat 14th Sept: Oscott, Birmingham. A coach will leave our diocese to take pilgrims from across our five deaneries to this faith-affirming national event. It will include talks, Mass and a procession. Please ring (01202) 746539 or email christopher.findlay@prcdtr.org.uk ASAP if would like to join us.
Eucharistic Congress
Plymouth Diocese Youth Rally 2024
The next Youth Event is the Youth Rally. Please find the information below for you to circulate. There will be a coach from Plymouth and from Okehampton. If there is enough interest, there will be a coach from Poole.
Please join us at St Rita’s in Honiton for the infamous Youth Rally on Saturday 28th September 2024. As usual there are many activities for all to join in, including the obstacle course, penalty shoot out and various inflatable activities. Young people from 6 – 16 are welcome to form teams of 6 to compete against others. Do not worry if you can’t find a group of 6. I will combine you with another parish.

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Caritas News
Jubilee photography project
As we prepare for the year of Jubilee, Caritas Diocese of Plymouth would like to invite you to reflect on Care for Creation and how we live this out in our churches and communities today. To explore this issue Caritas would like to collect and share photographs by parishioners of people and places in the diocese. We would like to explore three themes that call to mind the reflected glory of the Lord in the beautiful world we are asked to care for. The themes are Beauty, Good Choices and Humanity. To find out more please follow the link https://wp.me/paTncV-a2d

Residential Retreats - Honiton

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