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Advent and Christmas 2024

Here you will find times of this year's Christmas masses and other events as well as celebrations in Advent to prepare for Christmas

Advent 2024 celebrations

The season of Advent (four Sundays of preparation for Christmas) begins this year on Sunday December 1st


The third Sunday of Advent is traditionally a time of special rejoicing. It is traditionally known as Gaudete Sunday from the Latin word telling us to rejoice. The first words of the mass that Sunday are "Rejoice in the Lord always"


This year on the weekend of Gaudete Sunday we have two celebrations, on Saturday 14th at 2.30pm we have the children's nativity play in church, and on Sunday 15th we will invite anyone passing to light a Christmas candle for someone from 3pm onwards ending with a carol service at 5pm.


St Benedict, monk and teacher of silence and listening

Advent 2024 preparations

Advent is a precious time in itself, but it is given to us above all as a time of preparation, so that we might more worthily celebrate Christmas.


These will be times of silence and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament as we get closer to Christmas, for people to call into church and have a quiet time with the Lord. A priest will be available to hear Christmas confessions, and the heating will be on!


Saturday Dec. 21st 4pm - 5.15pm

Sunday Dec. 22nd 5.30pm - 6.30pm

Monday Dec. 23rd 5.30pm - 6.30pm


People are free to call in to church at any time besides these times to pray and reflect. Church is open every day from 9am - 6pm in Summer and 9am - 5pm in Winter.

Christmas Day Masses


Tuesday 24th December

6pm First mass of Christmas

8pm Polish vigil mass of Christmas

11.30pm Carols

11.59pm Midnight mass


Wednesday 25th December

9.15am Mass of Christmas Day

11.15am Mass of Christmas Day

1.15pm Polish Mass of Christmas Day


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